A photo of Rich Keller,  District Technology Coordinator


Email: keller.rich@usd298.com
Phone: (785) 524-4193

Lincoln U.S.D. #298 Mission Statement

The mission of the Lincoln U.S.D. #298 Schools is to provide excellence in teaching, to promote life-long learning, and to foster a creative, caring environment by utilizing training, technology, communication, leadership, and community involvement. The students in the Lincoln School District will be challenged to reach their fullest potential and to be competent and knowledgeable in our global society.

Instructional Technology Vision Statement
The following vision statement was developed based on the school district mission statement and curriculum integration. After developing the vision, the goals and objectives were then based on the vision. The vision of Lincoln U.S.D. #298 is to provide the most advanced technological opportunities and enrich the learning environment for staff and students through an integrated curriculum. Students, staff, and community will work together to provide an environment that fosters leadership, communication, and achievement using technology:

  • Work collaboratively with others

  • Enhance problem-solving skills

  • Become competent and confident in the use of technology

  • Make responsible and ethical decisions

  • Adapt to a changing 21st-century global society

Technology Acceptable Use Policy Change May 2011
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Students are allowed to bring their own technology device: (For example iPod, iPad, laptop, netbook)

If the student chooses to bring their own technology, please note:

  • The district is NOT responsible for the device if it's stolen, broken, or damaged.

  • The district technology coordinator will not perform any repairs except to help with the installation of printers and programs needed for their education at LJSHS.

  • See the "Electronic Device" section of the LJSHS Student Handbook. Become familiar with each teacher guidelines regarding technology use.

District Policy Change May 2011
Use of personal devices is a privilege. Please refer to the teacher's classroom guidelines concerning their classroom policy on electronic devices. If violated, the item can be collected and turned into the office to be returned at the end of the day. Continued abuse will result in the item being returned only to the parent/guardian and the student being referred to the office for disciplinary action. Parents are asked to call the office with all messages. In the event of an emergency, the student will be called to the office immediately. All other messages will be given to students between classes, and then the student will be allowed to call back if necessary.